Thursday, 4 October 2012

Some Questions On .Net #4

Q1. In which database is the information, such as membership, role management, profile & web parts personalization, stored?
Ans. The aspnetdb database stores all information.

Q2.What is state management?
Ans. State management is used to store information requests. The state management is used to trace the information or data that affect the state of the application.

Q3. What do you understand by aggregate dependency?
Ans. Aggregate dependency allows the multiple dependencies to be aggregated for content that depends on more than one resource. In such type of dependency, you need to depend on the sum of all defined dependency to remove a data item from the cache.

Q4. How can you ensure that no one has tempered with viewstate in a web page?
Ans. To ensure that no one has tempered with viewstate in a web page, set the enableviewstatemac property to true.

Q5. What is the cookie less session?
Ans. ASP.NET manages the session state in the same processses the request and does not create a cookie. It is known as cookie less session.

Q6. What is a round trip?
Ans. The trip of a web page from the client to the server & then back to the client is known as a round trip.

Q7  What are the major built-in objects in ASP.NET?
Ans. The major built-in objects in ASP.NET are as follows:

Q8. Why do we need nested master pages in a web site?
Ans. When we have several hierarchical levels in a web site, then we use nested pages in the web site.

Q9.How can you dynamically add user controls to a page?
Ans. User controls can be dynamically loaded by adding a web user control page in the application & adding the control on this page.

Q10. What type of code, client-side or server-side, is found in a code-behind file of a web page?
Ans. A code-behind file contains the server-side code, which means that the code contained in a code-behind file is executed at the server.    

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